

  • age: twenty-seven winters

  • gender: cis woman (she/her)

  • sexuality: demiromantic bisexual

  • Nameday: 21st sun of the 6th Umbral Moon

  • Race: Ishgardian / Sea Wolf Roegadyn

  • Voiceclaim: Gable (Liz anderson)

  • Partner(s): I'shira Tia

  • Protector: Halone, the Fury

  • Alignment: neutral good

  • Occupation: dark knight, adventurer, artisan


Extroverted / Introverted
Close Minded / Open Minded
Calm / Anxious
Disagreeable / Agreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Apathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Hard-working / Lazy
Cultured / Uncultured
Loyal / Disloyal
Faithful / Unfaithful


A looming silhouette in any tavern room, Cypress is a reserved figure who prefers to keep others at arm's length. Though she may take time to warm up initially, she is gentle and kind to those who are in need, and will go out of her way to help those who cannot help themselves. She tends to be quiet and thoughtful, preferring to speak when she has the full story and not a moment before. When amused, her boisterous laugh more than makes up for her usual soft-spoken demeanor, especially with the accompanying snort.She loves to have fun and can be outgoing with those close to her, but generally she prefers to enjoy festivities from the sidelines. She has a knack for being able to read people and is good at keeping things calm, often shutting down or stepping in to stop conflicts when they arise.Although she is easy-going and always up for an adventure, she has low self esteem and tends to hide her feelings, lest she become a burden to her friends. She holds special grudges against those who have lied to her or taken advantage of others. While seemingly rare to surface, her anger can be frightening to witness. You'll know you've earned her ire if she starts saying swears that would make a sailor blush. Or if you're at the sharp end of her blade. One of the two.

Honest / Kind / Gentle
Insecure / Hypocritical / World-weary


  • crafting

  • gathering

  • hunting

  • fishing

  • scrapbooking

  • flower pressing

  • sparring

  • chocobo care

  • exploring/travelling

  • camping


  • the ocean

  • sharp metal

  • bloodstains

  • white sand

  • lily of the valley

  • the color blue

  • old scars

  • bloody lips

  • white wolves

  • grit

  • lush landscapes

  • forget-me-nots

  • broken sea shells

  • sunlight beneath the waves


  • only semi-literate, but loves stories and storybooks

  • always down to see a play

  • frugal with gil but has a weakness for food

  • will judge someone by how they treat their chocobo

  • Collects jewlery

  • sensitive about her neck. will rub it when nervous

  • sometimes refers to herself in plural, usually unconsciously

  • can also be seen talking to herself on occasion


The past

Cypress was born as "Gentle Tide" to roegadyn couple Roaring Wave and Silver Lake, the two of which served the Dzamael household in Ishgard. A shipwreck in her youth left her orphaned and scarred on the coast of Cedarwood, where she was rescued and adopted by a local hyruan couple. The trauma left Cypress bedridden and unable to speak, and in absence of her being able to provide her name, they renamed her “Cypress Eirwen” to address her as she recovered. By the time Cypress finally began to speak again, she decided to keep the name. A necklace she was washed ashore with became the only physical reminder of her birth family that she kept.A few years before the 7th Umbral Calamity, Cypress left her village for the first time at the age of 18. She made her way earning coin through odd jobs and crafting goods until she came to Limsa Lominsa, taking up the lancer's art and joining the Adventurer's Guild. It was through the Guild that she met the people who would come to make up her adventuring party; the extroverted conjurer Chachamu Chamu, the flirty archer I'shira Tia, and the compassionate knight she would come to consider her brother, Cygne Benoit.The party soon grew close and maintained a steady stream of jobs, eventually making enough coin to travel beyond La Noscea to the lands of The Black Shroud. It was there that, tragically, Cygne met his end. In a rush to protect Cypress, his shield broke under the strength of the fatal blow. Numb and unable to deal with her grief, Cypress sought comfort from I’shira before fleeing the morning after, afraid of someone else she loved getting hurt for her. Now on her own, she resolved to travel to Ishgard; to return Cygne’s shield to his family so he could rest in peace.Upon arriving in Ishgard, Cypress was recognized as "Gentle Tide" and allowed through the gates. Her birth family's service to the Dzamael household helped her gain footing to establish herself as a lance for hire in The Brume and familiarize herself with the city. As she sought to achieve her mission to return her adventuring partner’s shield, she found, to her horror, that Cygne’s family refused to grieve for him. Through pretty gossip she discovered Cygne was considered a heretic by his minor noble family – exiled after his cowardice cost his unit their lives. To make matters worse, a closer inspection of the shield one night revealed to Cypress that it had been purposely tampered with. Cygne’s death was by design.Desperate for answers, Cypress accepted a lead from a mysterious stranger, only to be drugged and overpowered in the Brume. In her panic, a burst of dark energy from within saved her life but overcame her, leading her to chase her attacker across Ishgard before finally succumbing to unconsciousness…What happened that night and how she came to be safely in her inn room is a mystery Cypress has yet to solve. But now, brimming with new, terrible power, she has found new purpose in her grotesque rebirth; to avenge Cygne’s death and to cull Ishgard of other monsters who prowl in the night.

The Present

Currently, Cypress lives in Ishgard, doing better for herself than she has in years past. She and I'shira have reconciled to take care of their baby Juniper, who was born after the attack in the Brume. She takes on odd jobs and hunts to provide for her husband and son: selling artisan goods, herbs and fresh meat on the side to put a little bit more on the table. She has started to rebuild her life and relationships, but those close to her know how hard she is struggling to move on... how the shadows of night beckon her to darker and darker depths...



Chachamu Chamu

status | old friend | carrdChachamu Chamu is Cypress's dear friend, a Dunesfolk Lalafell from Thanalan.Chamu was born in Ul'dah and raised by the streets: learning to charm, steal and lie to earn a living. After freelancing as an adventurer, Chamu joined Cypress's party as their conjurer. To them she was carefree and mischievous: a facade which allowed her to earn coin in shady ways.After Cygne's death, Chamu opened a cafe for a change of pace, allowing Cypress to rest there while pregnant. Thus, Cypress considers Chamu a trusted friend. However, Chamu's secrets may beg a higher price for their friendship than she can pay...


I'shira Tia

status | devoted husbandI'shira is Cypress's husband, a Sun Seeker Miqo'te from La Noscea.A born and bred rapscallion, I'shira Tia spent his youth living the Lominsan dream; picking pockets, seducing beauties, and enjoying the bounty of the sea. Craving something more, he joined the Adventurer's Guild and met Cypress. During their time together he fell in love with her, and her departure after Cygne's death devastated him.Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and in the years apart I'shira held hope that he would meet Cypress again. A chance trip to Ishgard allowed the two to reconcile, and I'shira has happily traded a life of excitement for the quiet life of a father.

cygne benoît

status | dearly departed (?)Cygne is the object of Cypress's obsessions; a Wildwood Elezen hailing from Ishgard.Born to a minor house in Ishgard, Cygne was was put in charge of his own unit of soldiers despite his wishes. After an ill fated skirmish with heretics left him the sole survivor of his unit, he returned to Ishgard to decry the war itself: with whispers of heresy growing louder by the day, Cygne was exiled from Ishgard.Starting fresh in Eorzea, Cygne joined up with a group of adventurers, one of which was Cypress. After his shield broke during a job, his last words were to her; pleading her to pursue a life of happiness. His last wishes have yet to be followed.


status | mysterious guardian"Swan" awakened during the attack in the Brume and possessed Cypress, chasing her attacker through Ishgard until she was safe. Since then Cypress has been unsure where Swan came from- a trip to a soul reader revealed he was a soul enmeshed with hers, but not much else. Regardless, Cypress trusts Swan implicitly, and views his awakening inside her as a blessing from Halone Herself.The source of Cypress's dark powers and an entity all his own, Swan exists just beneath her skin; watching and observing as she goes about her life. She is careful not to let him show, but if one pays careful attention, they may see her shadow act most unusually...

Juniper Eirwen

status | infant sonJuniper is Cypress and I'shira's infant son.Conceived during Cypress and I'shira's night together, Juniper was born after the attack in the Brume. Since his birth he has been a beacon of light for his mother, and his presence is what allowed I'shira and Cypress to realize their love for each other.Despite only being a summer old he is spoiled to death by his parents, who love him dearly and want only the best for him. He is an important part of Cypress's life, and she only shows him to those who are trustworthy. Those who know of him can see that the infant clearly resembles his father, save for the splash of freckles on his little cheeks.


status | loyal steedGhira is Cypress's beloved chocobo, hatched and raised in Cypress's homeland of Coerthas.Cypress bought Ghira when she first moved to Ishgard, straight from city's own Holy Stables. Owning a chocobo was a childhood dream of Cypress's made reality, and ever since Ghira has been a steadfast companion on her many travels.Cypress has found that she greatly enjoys chocobo care, and as a result Ghira is a strong, healthy bird with a lustrous chocolate brown coat. He is even-tempered, affectionate, and incredibly loyal to Cypress.


- Ishgard- Current residence (Empyreum, W3, Apt. 15)
- The Adventurer's Guild- Current Employment
- Cedarwood, La Noscea- Childhood home


Bleeding Heart

common | adventure
Cypress is a bleeding heart who loves to help others, and she won't say no to a rousing adventure either. Whether it's helping with a simple errand or watching your back during a dungeon crawl, Cypress has you covered no matter what.

Wayward Wanderer

common | slice of life
One of Cypress's favorite things to do after a day of travel is settle down in a cozy inn and enjoy a piping hot meal. Sweetening your first greeting with offerings of food and drink will quickly earn you her good graces, and she's always good for small conversation.

Let's Make It a Race

common | slice of life
Cypress is no stranger to friendly competition and is always down to up the ante, particularly if the first round of dinner is on the loser's tab. If you challenge her, make sure your wallet and your pride are ready to take the loss.

My Little Chocobo

common | slice of life
Cypress loves animals and takes good care of her chocobo, Ghira. A good way to break the ice is to bring up anything related to chocobos; a job involving them, talking about yours, asking about hers... just make sure you have time to gush about them too!

baby blues

special | familial
Cypress loves her son to pieces, and although she is a private woman, she has a soft spot for children and other parents. If you have a small child under your wing, blood related or otherwise, she'll be very likely to be take notice.

Two's a Crowd

special | intrigue
Cypress doesn't know much about who (or what) she shares her soul with, but her soul- and by extension, her aether- has been irreversibly changed from the fusion. If you are sensitive to aether or able to see it, the state of hers may interest you...

Kindred Spirits

special | recovery
Sometimes it is easier to help yourself through helping others, and Cypress loves to take others under her wing. if you are searching for a mentor in the dark arts or need a safe place to rest your weary heart, Cypress will gladly provide it.

to darkest depths

special | dark
Despite her attempts to move forward, Cypress still yearns for revenge for her beloved friend, Cygne. If one were to come to her with a lead on his murder, no price would be too high for fulfilling her heart's truest desire, even one writ in blood...

Seeking contacts that are:

  • Adventurers

  • Dark Knights

  • Animal Lovers

  • Parents

  • Regular Ishgardians

  • lonely souls



  • Open to in-game RP and character plotting! please message me on discord before starting any rp.

  • Paragraph/multi-paragraph preferred.

  • Can RP in dungeons with light and/or full RP parties!

  • Explicit mutual consent is required for anything that is a dealbreaker, even if it doesn't happen to my character.

  • 21+ rp partners only.

  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, ableism, or homophobia of any kind. Referring to in-game prejudices as existing is okay, but directing those attitudes toward Cypress is not. Ask me OOC if you are unsure.

  • IC and OOC are separate! please treat them as such.

general guide

- slice of life- gore
- casual adventure & dungeons- lore breaking (bending is okay!)
- story-driven- grimdark storylines
- character progression-excessive violence
- drama/mystery/intrigue-erp*
- platonic/romantic relationships- pvp*
- Found family- emotional manipulation
- long-term stories/partners- character injury/death
- +21 y/o rp partners- meta-game and god-game
- est timezone- mixing ic and ooc
- /party chat preferred when in public, non-rp spaces- characters that cannot travel to city-states/residential districts

*may be permissible with ooc discussion beforehand


  • basics: cap | 28 | autistic | they/them

  • server: primal | leviathan

  • timezone: est

  • discord: knightblooms

Hello hello! My name is Cap and I'm a librarian, artist, and lover of all things soft and cartoony. I enjoy RP a lot and am looking to find serious RP partners! I enjoy arts & crafts, making moodboards/playlists, video games, reading, and watching bad movies!

Other Characters

Lore Gallery

The Reconciliation